-- Clinical Performance
- Physically response of administering NCI-1 in 15 days:
- Cancer patients??feeling (sample size: 150 patients):
- Well improved(92.5%)
- Improved (6.5%)
- No specific feeling (1%)
- Uncomfortable(0%)
- Deeply uncomfortable (0%).
- Non-cancer patients??feeling(sample size: 50 patients):
- Well improved (55%)
- Improved (30%)
- No specific feeling (14%)
- Uncomfortable (1%)
- Deeply uncomfortable (0%).
- The quality of WBC of cancer patients in chemotherapy with NCI-1 in 15 days(sample size: 150 patients):
- Significantly increased(84.5%)
- Increased(14%)
- No changed(1.5%)
- Decreased(0%)
- The tumor marker of cancer patients in chemotherapy with NCI-1 in 3 months(sample size: 60 patients) :
- Decreased(96.5%)
- No changed(3.5%)
- Increased(0%).
-- Clinical Performance by Cancer Patients
The following presentation is provided appreciatively by a group of cancer associations and hospital of using NCI-1
Clinical Cases Abstract of Oral Administration of NCI-1 by Cancer Patients
1. Breast Cancer
?。ase No. B101, Female, Age: 39
Syndrome: breast cancer (surgical removed), lymphoid metastasis (late stage)
NCI-1 treating/observation period: 6months
Result: almost recovery
Comment: tumor suppressed, immune boost
Description :
In chemotherapy, the WBC was under l000, then treated with NCI-1. The WBC proliferated and enhanced to 5200. The tumor at left chest necrosis, suppressed. (Vigorous feeling).
?。ase No. B102, Female, Age: 64
Syndrome: breast cancer
NCI-1 treating/observation period: 3months
Result: almost recovery
Comment: CEA reduced.
Description :
In chemotherapy, CEA was 4.8l. After NCI-1 treating, CEA reduced to 2.75 (vigorous feeling).
?。ase No. B103, Female, Age: 39
Syndrome: breast cancer, liver, lung, bone, lymphoid and skin metastasis(very late stage)
NCI-1 treating/observation period: 6 months
Result: immune boost
Comment: immune boost, some tumor suppressed
Description :
In chemotherapy, WBC was2000, after treating NCI-1, WBC proliferated to 5200. Some tumors
were necrosis. (Vigorous feeling)
?。ase No. B104, female, Age: 59
Syndrome: breast cancer (surgical removed). Then lung metastasis (late stage)
NCI-1 treating/observation period: 30 months
Result: tumor necrosis, tumor marker reduced
Comment: tumor suppressed, immune boost
4cm diameter in-length of size of tumor in lung and 6cm diameter in-length of size of tumor in chest. WBC was under 1000 in chemotherapy
After NCI-1 treating, WBC proliferated to 9600 and maintained.
Tumor in lung necrosed to less than 1cm diameter in-length. CEA reduced to normal level(2.0).
?。ase No. B105, Female, Age: 53
Syndrome: breast cancer (surgical removed), brain, bone metastasis(late stage)
NCI-1 treating/observation period: 36months
Result: CAl53 and CEA reduced, immune boost
Comment: tumor suppressed, immune boost
Description :
Discontinued chemotherapy. CA153 was higher than 35, CEA was higher than 25. After NCI-1 treating, CEA reduced to 1, C153 reduced to 13, WBC maintained 4000(Vigorous feeling).
?。ase No. B106, Female, Age: 42
Syndrome: breast cancer(not surgery), bone, liver and lymphoid metastasis(very late stage)
NCI-1 treating/observation period: 24months
Result: CEA, CAl53 reduced, tumor necrosis, immune boost
In Taxol, 5-Fu chemotherapy. CEA was 174, CAl53 was 133, WBC was under 2000. After NCI-1 treating, CEA was 54, CA l53 was l2, WBC was 7820 maintained (vigorous feeling).
?。ase No. B107, Female, Age: 60
Syndrome: breast cancer(surgical removed), lung, lymphoid metastasis(late stage)
NCI-1 treating/observation period: 72months
Result: almost recovery
In chemotherapy by Taxol. WBC was 3210, Taxol induced GPT was 132, After NCI-1 treating, WBC was 6020, GPT was reduced to 29 as normal level.
?。ase No. B108, Female, Age: 52
Syndrome: breast cancer(surgical removed), bone, liver metastasis(late stage)
NCI-1 treating/observation period: 12 months
Comment: tumor necrosis of 67%
In chemotherapy by 5-Fu, a necrosis of 15%. After NCI-1 treating, 67% tumor necrosed.
?。ase No. B109, Age: 50
Syndrome: breast cancer(surgical removed), chemotherapy induced hepatitis
NCI-1 treating/observation period: 36 months
Result: almost recovery
Chemotherapy induced hepatitis was disappeared after NCI-1 treating.
2. Colon Cancer
?。ase No.C101 Female, Age: 76
Syndrome: colon cancer(surgical removed), liver metastasis(late stage)
NCI-1 treating/observation period: l0 months
Result: liver metastasis suppressed,tumor necrosis.
Comment: tumor suppressed
In chemotherapy of 2 months and discontinued. Starting NCI-1 treating then tumor in liver was suppressed and restored to normal (vigorous feeling).
?。ase No.C102, Female, Age: 60
Syndrome: colon cancer(the 4th stage, surgeried) metastasis
NCI-1 treating/observation period: 6months
Result: CEA reduced
Comment: tumor suppressed
In chemotherapy by 5-Fu, and NCI-1 treating. CEA was reduced from original 43.6 to 2 finally (vigorous feeling)
?。ase No.C103, Male, Age: 74
Syndrome: bile duct cancer(unsurgeried) intestinal metastasis(very late stage), serious
infection, coma
NCI-1 treating/observation period: 2 months
Result: CEA reduced, immuneboost
In chemotherapy WBC was 1800. After NCI-1 treating, WBC was 2700. CEA was informed reduced.
?。ase No.C104, Male, Age: 65
Syndrome: colon cancer(surgical removcd) then metastasis
NCI-1 treating/observation period: 36 months
Result: almost recovery
Data was not collected. It is said abnormal bleeding ceased in 2 days only in NCI-1 treating.
?。ase No.C105, Male, Age: 55
Syndrome: pancreas cancer, metastasis, serious infection (very late stage)
NCI-1 treating/observation period: 2 months
Result: tumor necrosed, tumor marker reduced
No chemotherapy, CA19-9 was higher than 240, CEA was 29.5. After NCI-1 treating, CA19-9 was reduced to 0.05, CEA was reduced to 5.2.
?。ase No.C106 Male,Age:67
Syndrome: colon cancer & bile duct cancer kidney metastasis (very late stage)
NCI-1 treating/observation period: l month
Result: CAL19-9 tumor marker reduced, immune boost
No chemotherapy, CA 19-9 was higher than 505.66. After NCI-1 treating, reduced to 37.
?。ase No.C107, Male,Age:56
Syndrome: colon cancer (surgical removed), bile duct metastasis (very late stage)
NCI-1 treating/observation period: 2 months
Result: tumor suppressed
No chemotherapy, NCI-1 treated, abnormal bleeding ceased in 2 days, original pale color of stool turned to yellow. Tumor became smaller and softer than the previous one.
?。ase No.C108, Female, Age: 65
Syndrome: colon cancer, cervical metastasis, serious infection (very late stage)
NCI-1 treating/observation: 1 month
Result: CEA reduced
In chemotherapy, CEA was 23. After NCI-1 treating, CEA reduced to less than 10 .
?。ase No.C109, Female, Age: 66
Syndrome: colon cancer
NCI-1 treating/observation: 10 months
Result: CEA reduced
In chemotherapy, CEA was 25. After NCI-1 treating, reduced to normal level.
3. Hepatoma
?。ase No. H101, Male, Age: 26
Syndrome: hepatoma(surgical removed), metastasis
NCI-1 treating/observation period: 5 months
Result: GOT, GPT reduced.
HCV positive, GOT was more than 400. GPT was more then 500. After NCI-1 treating, GOT reduced to 60, GPT reduced to 78. No IFN treated. The metastasis tumors disappeared.
?。ase No. H102, Female, Age: 63
Symdrome: hepatoma(1/2 surgical removed), metastasis
NCI-1 treating/observation period: 48 months
Result: almost recovery
In a short period of chemotherapy and discontinued. After NCI-1 treating, metastasis of tumors necrosis. (vigorous feeling)
?。ase No. H103, Male, Age: 60
Syndrome: hepatoma(not surgeried), serious ascite(late stage)
NCI-1 treating/observation period: 2 months
Result: ascite disappeared.
After NCI-1 treating, ascite disappeared. (vigorous feeling)
?。ase No. H104, Male, Age: 65
Syndrome: hepatoma(surgical removed), metastasis(late stage)
NCI-1 treating observation period: 36 months
Result: almost recovery
A tumor in 3 cmx3cm size, no chemotherapy, after NCI-1 treating, 50% of tumor necrosis and in disappeared in 3 months. (vigorous feeling)
?。ase No. H105, Female, Age:17
Syndrome: tumor in lower digestive duct(surgery, not removed) metastasis, serious infection(late stage)
NCI-1 treating/observation period: 12 months
Result: immune boost
In chemotherapy, WBC was less than 2000. After NCI-1 treating, WBC was 8600.
?。ase No.H106, Male, Age 49
Syndrome: hepatoma(surgical removed), metastasis(late stage)
NCI-1 treating/observation period: 16 months
Result: tumor suppressed, AFP reduced
A tumor in a diameter of 2cm in length of size. AFP was 155. After NCI-1 treating, AFP reduced to 15.
?。ase No. H107, Male, Age: 34
Syndrome: hepatoma(surgical removed), metastasis
NCI-1 treating/observation period: 6 months
Result: almost recovery
?。ase No. H108, Male, Age 65
Syndrome: hepatoma(surgical removed), pancreas metastasis
NCI-1 treating/observation period: 12 months
Result: tumor suppressed
A tumor was in a diameter of 4cm in length of size and reduced to less than 1cm of size by NCI-1 without chemotherapy.
?。ase No. H109, Female, Age: 57
Syndrome: hepatoma(surgical removed), metastasis(late stage)
NCI-1 treating/observation period: 24 months
Result: tumor suppressed
Several tumors suppressed up to 55%.
4. Lung Cancer & Lymphoma
?。ase No. L101, Female, Age: 43
Syndrome: lung cancer
NCI-1 treating/observation period: 8 months
Result: almost recovery
A tumor size was in a diameter of 3cm in length, not surgeried, combined cisplastin with NCI-1, then suppressed to 2.8cm and no growth any more.
?。ase No. L102, Male, Age: 56
Syndrome: lymphoma, no metastasis
NCI-1 treatlng/observation period: 2months
Result: tumor disappeared.
Shorter period of chemotherapy with NCI-1.
?。ase No.L103, Male, Age:not disclosed
Syndrome: Lymphoma/
NCI-1 treating/observation period: 36 months
Result: tumor suppressed.
?。ase No. L104, Female
Syndrome: lung adenocarcinoma
NCI-1 treating/observation period: 12 months
Result: almost recovery
?。ase No. L105, Male, Age: 70
Syndrome: lung cancer, very late stage
NCI-1 treating/observation period: 12 months
Result: CEA reduced, tumor suppressed
Combined chemotherapy with NCI-1. 75% tumor necrosis. CEA reduced from 200 to 78.
All the above statements are for educational purposes only
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